The sessions from last week's conference are available for viewing. You may access the recordings the same way you accessed the live sessions. Simply go to the appropriate agenda under the agenda menu, select your session and you will see a button to view the recording.
The links are hosted in Zoom. If you receive an error loading the videos, try the following:
1. Disable Extensions and Try a Different Browser Your browser extensions may prevent you from uploading Zoom recordings. Ad blockers and privacy extensions often block website scripts. So, start by disabling this category of extensions first. Additionally, switch to a different browser and check if the error disappeared.
2. Check Your Connection If your Internet connection drops and it’s unstable, Zoom may fail to load media files. Restart your router and switch to a cable connection if that’s possible. LAN connections are usually faster and more stable than wireless connections. But if you can’t switch to a cable connection, do try to switch the wireless channel.
3. NASW VA/Metro DC is working hard to edit recorded sessions to exclude information only necessary for the live conference. You will find recordings already available for viewing that include introductions, session breaks, and closed captioning. As an on-demand viewer, please watch recordings, download handouts, and complete session certificates by May 31. You can earn up to 87.75 CEs by viewing all sessions, keynotes, thought leader mini-sessions, and the awards ceremony!
4. If you require reasonable accommodations in order to view your session due to a disability or other reason(s), please email your request to marketing.naswva@socialworkers.org with the session you desire accommodations for and a transcript of that session will be provided to you.
Other Agenda Items
Registration is now open!
Please take a few minutes to familiar yourself with the available option to attend this year's conference. There are several registration options available and various discounts available based on membership level. Detailed information regarding package costs can be found in the FAQs.
Existing NASW members will need to login to the site using their NASW membership email and the password CONNECT22. Non-members may also register for any option at the non-member price. Non-members will need to create an account on the conference site to register.
Exhibitor Fair

Thank you to all that participated in the scavenger hunt giveaway, including our sponsors and exhibitors! If you have won a scavenger hunt prize, your information has been passed on directly to the gift giver in order for you to receive your gift.
We hope that you enjoyed the 2022 NASW Virginia and Metro DC Annual Conference!
Access Date | Quiz Result | Score | Actions |
Please Login
Login Info
NASW MEMBERS: Login with your NASW membership email and the password CONNECT22
Non-MEMBERS: Click the Create Account button to begin
Need Help?
Visit the FAQ page where most questions are addressed. Live tech support chat is available at the bottom of the page. You can also email naswvadc22@commpartners.com.